Monday, May 23, 2011

Gommy In Charge?

Today on the way to school, just after we dropped off Johngideon, Montgomery said to me:

"Mom, have I been a good listener this morning?"

(This is a pretty important Gommy-girl question because mornings are just not Montgomery's thing, and it can get pretty rough and rocky...pretty often. This morning, however, was rather least for her!)

So, I replied, "Yes, Montgomery, you were a veerrry good listener this morning."

Two minutes or so later, Gommy piped up again, "Well, since I been a good listener, can I be in charge of the house?"

Chuckling to myself, I gently responded, "Well, no, Gommy, Daddy is in charge of the house."

To which she immediately replied (with matter-of-fact casual cool), "Well, I want to make a different choice."

And what she clearly meant was a different choice of who is in charge! Hahahahaha.

Just thinking of a "Gommy-in-charge" house gives me great comical pause!

...and then makes me more than a little afraid!    ;o)

Take care. Much love.

Friday, May 13, 2011


Nature has its regular cycles and I am recognizing more and more that I have mine too. This end of school year rhythm is chock full and overflowing with activity, from ceremonies and inductions to summer program applications to special field trips to concerts and stage productions to school festivals to open houses to dances and proms and on and on and on...and that's in addition to the regular rhythm of doctors appointments, sports practices, dance classes, swimming lessons, music classes, volunteer activities and the like. My heart starts to palpitate a bit just thinking about it all. My normal boundaries of time and place simply do not seem able to contain it all. Yet, this is the stuff of life, and what a joy and privilege to live it.

I am full to overflowing, or should I say our laptop is, with photographs that chronicle all of these special and wonderful moments of life. How will I ever find the time in this season to share them all? How will I ever find the time to contemplate and reflect on them, to cherish and savor and really emotionally process them? I really don't know. What I do know is that I am grateful and so very blessed. Thank you, Father.

Even now as I think of the thick beauty and rich wonder each day holds, despite its often frenetic activity, I am also sharply aware that many around our world and even more closely, around our nation, live in fear. Fear of rising flood waters from unbound loved rivers and what that means to their home-spaces and community places and family futures, fear of terrorist and ethnic violence and just plain agonizing war misery, that never seems to have an end. Fear of debilitating lack, fear of uncontrollable storms, fear of staggering loss and fear of inevitable change. I ache for those who ache in fear. I wonder why I am privileged to live in relative security. I wonder why I have been granted space to live free from oppressive, daily, tangible fear.

Sometimes I long to see Jesus return with His peace and His ultimate end to fear...yet...not yet...not just yet. So many still need to know Him. So many ache to love Him, not even knowing that their ache and gaping gashes of suffering have remedy and balm. So, not yet, please Lord, not quite yet.

Meanwhile, I love and soothe, I work and press, I pray and live. And sometimes the cycles of my life roll through these rushed and hurried and filled to the over-brim places, and sometimes they meander through quieter, contemplative, reflective, watchful spaces. Balance often seems unattainable, yet perhaps the balance of the rhythm of the whole thread of life in its entirety is indeed balanced? I'm not sure. It probably doesn't matter. What matters is that we live, grateful for life, that we love, grateful for love, that we worship, grateful for the one we worship, and that we share, grateful to have the something...and the share.

Love Much. Care.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dandelion Love

I think God created dandelions just to delight the hearts of young children.

Montgomery loves and can't get enough of them. She picks them carefully and carries them gently like precious treasures. Then she selects her place to blow them and huffs and puffs until every fluff-let is floating in the breeze...even in the car!

During a walk she is disappointed if she passes a spot where "somebody wished all the dandelions," and overjoyed when she happens upon a patch of grass where there are many clusters of both dandelions and their yellow flowers (I have been the beneficiary of soooo many yellow "flower bouquets" this spring).

Nevertheless, she has learned -- much to her initial shocked amazement -- that Daddy (in his quest for beautiful green weed-free grass) does not like dandelions, and so when she catches the fluff-lets floating in our front yard, runs around trying to capture them scolding "bad dandelion! bad dandelion!"

Craig is afraid our grass will end up looking something like this...

...disclaimer: this is not a picture of our yard  :o) ...but it would be if Gommy had free dandelion-love reign!

Much Love. Take Care.
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