Friday, November 26, 2010

Gotta Start Somewhere...

So...I've been thinking of starting a blog for some time a way to connect with family and friends in divers places (as my telephoning and letterwriting and emailing connectivity has long been challenged)...and as a record of the seasons of our family life (since my scrapbooking and photoalbuming skills have proven minimal at best).

I take pictures of our comings and goings with the intention of sharing, or at the very least framing, so I'm thankful for our 21st century technology that lets me do all of the above languishing tasks in a simple, whenever-works-for-my-life's-rhythm format.  Much love to all family and friends...hopefully I'll have passed along this blog spot address before too long. :-)

We're visiting family for Thanksgiving and I realize as I'm writing this that I've yet to take a photo this holiday. best are some from days gone by...they always make me smile.

The older three have clearly mastered the art of smiling for Mom's camera...the younger two, not so much  :-)

That was the whole gang getting ready to pile into the minivan after a very relaxing do-absolutely-nothing-that requires-a-clock long weekend mini-vacation last spring...not sure what was going on with Johngideon at that moment...hmmm...

...this is how he usually looks...big difference :-) ...

He'd just raked up a huge pile of pine straw in our back yard!

And, here's a sunny Montgomery (aka Gommy Girl) from last winter...

And from "Snowmageddon 2010" as the kids call it...a snowy Johngideon, Josiah and Gommy having fun after the blizzard...

A favorite older photo of Maia and Montgomery, my two vibrant girls in the tye dye that reminds me so much of their vibrant personalities!

And here's my beautiful Maia now, sporting her lovely new fro!

And finally, to finish off this start, here's the fabulous Josiah fresh from getting his new braces (literally in the hallway after the appointment) earlier this year...

...and Job, our oldest (who we can't BELIEVE is actually a senior in high school this year) heading off to a prom this past as a tack! ( people still use that expression? I haven't heard it in awhile, but that's what comes to mind when I look at this picture :-) ...)

Much Love. Take care.

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